
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a man call himself as bad guy stealing a virus from a female MI6 agent, after they encounter with each other, the female escape and inject the virus into her own body! As turnout, this film is about a man called "Brixton" work for an organization called "Etion"(A criminal organization control by a unknown A.I character) to steal a virus that can enhance human ability! Brixton also want to revenge Deckard! The MI6 agent actually is Deckard sister! Luke and Deckard hire by CIA and Mi6 to take down Brixton! Entire film full of intense action scene but not bloody enough! Still worth to watch! Because full of broken things scene, explosion and martial art scene! Really surprise saw Kevin Hart and Ryan Reynolds in the film! Ryan Reynolds work for CIA! But the introduction of Kevin Hart on the plane really not laughable! Not as funny as Tyrese Gibson character to be honest! Most funny character is Deckard's mother in the movie! The A.I motorbike ride by Brixton really freaking dope! From the opening stealing the virus scene, Luke and Deckard fight at the party, Luke fight with Deckard sister, Deckard fight at his sister house, Brixton kidnap Deckard's sister and sliding down a building, chasing scene in London, escape from the lab to the factory scene and the last fighting scene at Samoa Island! All fighting actually quite intense and exaggerate! At the end, Brixton take down by Luke and Deckard and he eventually shut down by his A.I boss and fall down of the cliff! Still have three post credit scene at the end! Deckard and his sister visit their mother at the prison and their mother saying she already can out of the prison! Ryan Reynolds saying he been attack while securing the virus, and Deckard setup by Luke again by accusing he is Hugh! That's it! An entertaining action film from Fast And Furious spin-off! Bravo!