
  • This is actually not a review but I found it very interesting that there are some reviews here which are quite negative. At least some of them from Pakistanis who took this very personal. But I personally think (and hope) the most viewers are mature in their opinions and not necessairly base their opinion about whole Pakistan based just on this movie. It was clearly not an aim of the film to show only the raw facts and overview about situation in the whole country. I believe that what happened to Malala in the Swat valley was real, Talibans are real and the problem is real.

    Moreover, I think it was clear from the movie that the bound of Malala with her father is strong and they actually received the Nobel price together (if I'm not mistaken). Not sure why to accuse him of creating a puppet from his daughter. Of course, parents have a great influence on their kids. Even if they got pretty much independent in life it always starts with their parents. The father of Malala himself got a huge inspiration from his father. I don't see anything abnormal there.

    I know there could be an endless discussion about the movie and the politics related to the issues presented in it. And this is clearly not a place for that... Anyways, I hope people will be critical towards what they saw in the movie (and in life) and get some inspiration from it. One has always to read between the lines and not take things too serious.
