• Samurai Princess is your typical Japanese girl gore film. A young woman gets traumatized one way or another, gets superpowers and then goes on to hack her tormentors into pieces. Lots of blood, lots of body horror, lots of gore. It's a very niche genre, but it has its fans.

    What keeps this particular film from reaching its supposed potential is the limited budget. The costumes are for the most part okay and it's clear that what little money they had went into prosthetics and monster make-ups. Which are fine. But that means that they had money or talent left for good shooting locations, other special effects or actors. All three of those are outright awful, which brings the whole movie down.

    And don't get me wrong, a lot of these Japanese gore films are clearly made with a modest budget. But at least they haven't been shot in the local forest, like this clearly is. They go into great lengths to hide the fact, but it's still pretty visible. And distracting.

    Then again, the gore is somewhat pleasing, the costumes have character and at least the tone is consistent with the genre. Nowhere near the best of its genre, but could be worth a watch if you're looking for something new.