
  • So, another good story line, though quite predictable. Quality of Writing: Generic writing, though a good plot that works well. Just would have been nice to see better acting ("Jack" plays his role quite convincingly, but Molly isn't very intriguing to watch). Scare factor: "Jack" is at first overwhelming with his pushy display of affection and omnipresence, then he turns controlling and threatening, which is first done through a physical distance and then becomes more intense when he is physically present. Content (sex, language & violence): No sex shown, but MC is seen in her underwear and bra several times (mostly to show a scar). No language. Violence is mild and physically shown only in one instant at the end. Values: Seeking truth, friendship, friends looking out for each other, using good judgment The main character is okay as an actress, but she didn't bring much to the role, especially for someone who's in danger and whose life is being taken over; she remains too meek and non-reactive. The supporting cast was more exciting to watch.