
  • I think the main problem is that this series is too long for it's own good. It's 10 long episodes. It should have been six episodes - eight at the very most. Some of the episodes are also overlong, almost an hour without commercials. Plot points large and small just drag on and on and take forever to get where you know they are going because it's a rom-com people. You know where it's ultimately going and how it's going to end. The fun is seeing how they get there. But they should have gotten there much quicker overall. The cast is pretty good all around. There are one or two major characters in the ensemble that are so irritating in practically every scene - and it's unclear if they were written/directed that way or if it's the actors. But other than that, it's totally Mindy Kaling, Matt Warburton, and Tracey Wigfield's show. If you know and love their past projects, you will find something here to like as well! Plus there are some cute throwbacks to the original movie and other Richard Curtis projects. I'd recommend viewing the show, but just remember, it's kind of like a marathon. It's great and exciting in the beginning, then you get kind of tired. But then there's a burst of adrenaline at the end and it's great again!