• Warning: Spoilers
    I remember going to see this movie with my mom the year of release, 2001 (I was 7). At the time Mom needed to turn my head away from some parts that were too scary or intense (this movie is PG-13 and again, I was 7) and at the time I initially didn't get the movie though even then, I enjoyed A.I.

    This was years ago. Now fast forward to 2019--now as a 25-year-old, I'm looking for some movies to watch on Hulu while relaxing at home, and while searching I stumble upon A.I. and think, interesting! I haven't watched this movie in a very long time, maybe I'll watch this again.

    And...did this really stay with me afterwards cause now, I not only fully understand the real world topics woven into the film, I also see just how deep and just so sad, melancholic and haunting the story is overall. Because at the heart of this movie is ultimately the story of David, a young mecha boy who just wants love and goes through a ton of struggles and a roller coaster journey to find acceptance. The emotional of this movie is further accentuated by both the weaving of real world social issues (i.e, prejudice, discrimination, acceptance, parent-child relationship, brief, loss, abandonment, etc.) next to the sci fi/futuristic atmosphere, style and setting but also the acting particularly by Haley Joel Osment who both made me smile and broke my heart as David. And now in retrospect this movie becomes even more heartbreaking for me when, after growing close to and rooting for David throughout his extremely long, intense journey to finally see mom again, I find out that David dies at the end of this movie. Agh my heart!

    Overall this movie is definitely an underrated masterpiece. A must see. 10/10.