
  • Warning: Spoilers
    TV shows about zombies can be made so that viewers question their place in the universe and measure how delicate life and humanity are. We can ask questions like what happens when we die or do we lose our humanity when we transform into something else? In the first season of Z Nation a team of live people are trying valiantly to move a man who is immune to the zombie virus to a lab across the country. The man the team is moving, Murphy, is very selfish and doesn't really care about humanity one way or another. He is not very cooperative and is very unlikable. Murphy never becomes a better person or zombie. The team who moves him changes a bit but the main people like Warren, Addie, doc and 10k stay the same until the end. By the last season zombies have morphed from scary dead monsters into a category of protected people. Just because someone is dead doesn't make them less and the implication is that you're a bad person if you don't want to share space with a zombie who is only animated by eating human brains. One episode is dedicated to reviewing the shortcomings of the US constitution because all people were not equally protected from the beginning. It is sadly a commentary on how the Hollywood writers of today must view themselves as marginalized. That was the only conclusion I could come to with the storyline in the last season. Their new leader to start a brave new world is a biological female named George who is about 25 years old. She has never seen the constitution before which is probably true for most 25 year-old Americans these days. So while story started somewhere on our future, it ended right here where we all live today. The political message ruined what had been a fun but campy show.