• Karate Kid 2 was nothing more than Karate Kid in Japan. They had a Japanese version of the bully sensei, a Japanese version of Johnny, a Japanese version of his girlfriend Ali. The only real difference was the motivation for the conflict. The main conflict was so childish. Before we get to the main conflict we have to cover why Mr. Miyagi and Daniel-san were in Japan.

    Mr. Miyagi's father was very ill and he wanted to tend to him in his final days. Yeah, Mr. Miyagi's father was still alive. Daniel-san tagged along out of fealty to Mr. Miyagi. Mr. Miyagi left Japan because of a feud with his good friend Sato (Danny Kamekona). Rather than fight Sato to the death Mr. Miyagi preferred to leave for good.

    40 years later Mr. Miyagi returned to Japan and Sato was still ticked off. Sato never let go of the matter in 40 years! Such to the degree that Sato is now a very successful businessman, yet he wants to kill Mr. Miyagi like he was feuding with him yesterday. It was so pathetic.

    Furthermore, the movie was a bit awkward having Japanese people speak in broken English while in Japan. I'd much preferred them speak in Japanese with subtitles.

    All in all the movie was too contrived just to get the Karate Kid to do one more battle.