
  • This movie has beautiful visuals. The scenes and animation is breathtaking. I liked that very much.

    Here's a controversial opinion; I quite liked the music and songs as well though It lacks the iconic catchy tunes from the first one.

    My biggest complaint and the one thing that let this down is the story. Its way too simplistic. Now granted the first one wasn't Mark-Twain like either but you get the feeling that it was more substantial than this and as an adult there was more in the first one for you than this.

    I'm still rating this pretty good because as much as I'm personally underwhelmed by the story, I'm not the target audience. This is a movie for little children and I guess they might have a different opinion. I wouldn't know for sure since I dont have children to take to the movies. I would like to, but I need to find a wife first for that to happen.