• This show has an interesting (although slightly predictable) premise. Its biggest issue is the acting, though. In this era of TV shows getting better and better, Emergence feels like a high school play; the acting is just unconvincing, starting with the main protagonist.

    Allison Tolman as police chief Jo Evans doesn't fit. I imagine Jo being a veteran in law enforcement that has seen the worst of the worst in Long Island until a mysterious child appears at the scene of a plane crash. Instead, she's like a sweet, huggable teddy bear wearing a police uniform.

    She's great for a motherly role, but not a police chief. She should look at Brenda Blethyn's portrayal of DCI Vera Stanhope (from the British crime show 'Vera') for inspiration. Robert Bailey Jr. as Chris Minetto, Jo's right hand, is second in line because he acts like an incompetent rookie cop who should probably do something outside of law enforcement such as painting, sculpting, or something creative.

    Everyone else is "fine" mostly, not outstanding or anything but good enough for their respective roles. Is it worth the watch? That depends on your standards. Other than that, you aren't missing out on anything that another show hasn't already done better.

    A few improvements and it'll make a big difference. I want to see the show succeed, but I also think they can do a lot better than they have so far.