• Warning: Spoilers
    This is a fun movie with an interesting plot. My favorite character in the movie was Daniel(Rider Strong), while at the beginning of the movie Daniel seemed like a bit of a spoiled jerk at the point where the real action started and one of the bad guys got shot he was the only one who genuinely wanted to help the guy even if at first it was coming from him being afraid of going to jail. Unfortunately for Daniel his desire to do the right thing ends up putting him right in the crosshairs of the bad guys. The hardest part of that and in my opinion one of the best acted and dramatic scenes for Rider Strong comes when he is being held hostage by the biker gang and his life is being threatened, he basically has to beg his friends to help him and when they don't come down he ends up being held down on the hood of his car while the gang leader gives his friends until the count of ten to come down before they kill him. Although this whole scene is hard to watch the part that made me feel like Daniel was really desperate was when he was begging his friends to help him he got to the point where he was so desperate he begged Anthony for help. If you watch Daniel and Anthony interact in the movie it doesn't seem like Anthony can stand Daniel and I think Daniel knew that so for him to ask Anthony for help shows how truly desperate he was. Unfortunately for Daniel while the one person in the group who genuinely seems to care about him actually wants to help and even tried one of the other so called friends stops him which then leads to Daniel being shot in the head and then his body is thrown into his truck and the truck is set on fire. After that it's basically a free-for-all between the biker gang and the survivors. This is a well-paced and tense thriller but much like other Rider Strong, horror or action movies he never seems to make it out alive. However he is always good in these roles because much like his role on Boy Meets World you can see how good he is at portraying honest and genuine emotion, and it's fun seeing him play something so vastly different from who he was on Boy Meets World.