• Jack Lemmon has a penchant for playing the suicidal guy after a bad break up. He did that in The Odd Couple as Felix Ungar and he's at it again here in Buddy Buddy.

    Walter Matthau, on the other hand, is not a slob in this film, he's quite the opposite. Matthau plays Trabucco, an all business, very skilled hitman working for the mob. He's targeting his last hit from a hotel room across the street from the courthouse when his work is interrupted by the suicidal and neurotic Victor Clooney (Lemmon).

    Buddy Buddy provided a few chuckles, mostly from Matthau. Lemmon is more of a ham but I'm not a big fan of the Abbott and Costello type comedy. You probably know the type:

    "Why are my pants down?"

    "For your shot."

    "What shot?"

    "The one the doctor gave you."

    "What doctor?" and so on.

    So, the laughs were light, but it was a delightful movie anyway.