
  • I hadn't even heard of this movie before I found a Blu-ray copy of it at my local library today. But I know from experience that taking a chance on unknown movies often uncovers gems and sleepers, so I decided to watch it. Was the movie worth my time? Well, overall I would say yes. The movie has an irresistible premise that turns out to be a true story (can't believe this true story was never filmed before), and the story never has any dull spots in its telling. There is also some effective humor and suspense along the way. Also, the soundtrack has a number of great oldies played that add flavor and a feel for the period. But at the same time, the movie has some weakness that prevents the movie from being great. For starters, it seems to assume that its audience will know all about the background of the Watergate/Richard Nixon scandal; although I knew enough about this part of history to know the references, viewers who don't have my knowledge may be very confused. Also, the movie's unconventional storytelling style (flashforwards and flashbacks) results in some plot threads and characters to be put on the backburner for long periods of time, resulting in the movie losing some momentum. As it turns out, some key characters are really weak; we learn very little about the ringmaster of the crime or the protagonist's brother (including what happened to them after their last scenes.) Also, while the filmmakers are to be commended for managing to do an entire period piece on a low budget, some production values do look a little undernourished. Don't get me wrong from what I've just listed - the movie is still worth a look, but it may be best to wait until you can see it for free like I was able to.