• A heartwarming, charming and gorgeous animated movie that retells Santa Clause's origin story in a new and interesting way, although it does stumble in some places, especially with it's familiar story that we've experienced before and hitting most of the same beats (but that doesn't mean that it didn't had great moments); some of the characters needed more development (like the schoolteacher Alva, who unfortunately comes out as a generic love interest, while still shines in some moments throughout the story), while others (the villains) can be considered average at best; music, which was 30% great, while the other 70% didn't stand out all that much or the composer is repeating the same music a couple of times and the dialogue was great and in some moments OK at best, which included jokes that weren't all that funny.

    There is one thing that i want to mention: before i saw the movie, i read some reviews and saying that the main character Jesper has the same characteristics with a another existing character in a animated movie and that character was Kuzco from the movie "The Emperor's New Groove" and how they were too similar to each other. There is truth to that discussion, since Jesper starts out the same way and act the same way throughout the movie, but for me - he did grow on me the more and more i continue watching the movie and i started to separate him and Kuzco from one another and Jesper did stand on its own as a character.

    I'll just say it, since it's the most noticeable thing in the movie: i ADORE the animation. It's so gorgeous to look at. All of the designs of the characters, the environments, the movements of the characters and the lighting are just masterfully made and the cinematography accompanies it and making it jaw-dropping to look at. If that movie doesn't inspire you to become a animator, then i don't know what can.

    I'm so happy that people from around the world are still keeping the spirit of the traditional animation alive and proving to the huge corporate studios, who abandoned that technique of animation (i'm looking at you Disney), which existed for far long than we can remember is not dead and it doesn't give up on a fight. That doesn't mean that i don't adore the 3D / CGI animation that Pixar created (which i'm so grateful for that), which also creating a new way to tell stories, but it's sad that we only get 3D / CGI animated movies in the movie theater and the only way to see new traditional animated movies is on streaming services like Netflix or in festivals. Movies like "Klaus" still give me hope and that's a good thing. I'm giving "Klaus" a 7.4/10.