• I despise the character Mark! He has almost no redeeming qualities as a person. He is the generic male chauvinist character from the 1960s that gives the rest of us a bad name. He doesn't pay attention to his wife and makes all the choices even if it hurts her. He hates the idea of marriage and children so there's no reason why Joanna's character should even like him even at the beginning. I can see why her character would get more bitter as time goes on.

    I didn't mind Johanna's character as she tried her best to be fun even when he was a stick in the mud. Actually i don't remember his character ever initiating any of the good memories.

    Another problem i had with this movie was the fact it jumped to different times in their life constantly. It would take us a few seconds to figure out if we were watching the before marriage couple, just after marriage, further in marriage, or current time. I understand why they did it because if they went in order the movie would get more and more depressing and few would make it to the end.

    I'm going to go watch a better Audrey Hepburn movie to clear this from my mind as much as possible.