• Warning: Spoilers
    Man's capacity for cruelty and kindness at times is tough to reconcile. I am fairly well versed on WWII history but I had never heard of Windermere before. While the movie does due diligence on the children, about half the movie focuses on the staff. What an extraordinary display of dignity and compassion. The people of the UK as well, though done by proxy, they provided 4 months to give strangers a chance at a time their own chances were somewhat less than assured. Solid production value and journeyman performances propel the story at near light speed, the 88 minutes goes by fast (88? a cosmic muffin or subliminal message?) but gently carries an important message that is too easy to forget. There but by the grace of God go I. Be excellent to one another.

    To the 'Daughters of Dresden' reviewer if such a movie was made I would go see it. Nobody in Europe during that time escaped unharmed and the suffering and despair of the German people brought on by the vindictiveness of the treaty of Versailles all but guaranteed an orator like Hitler's ascension. I want to thank you because it was your review that decided I should watch it.