• I don't know what a-lot of these people are crying about. A lot of the reviews look to be from uptight, conservative, and sensitive christians that pine for the way society used to be.

    Swearing bothers some in this day in age, some act as if they were watching Scarface for crying out loud. For those I say, it's great you used your "clicker" and shut off the show. The problem is, those reviews give a bad reflection of this show and unfortunately those biased opinions have some sway toward the future of the show and the producers. Jordan Peele does a great job of presenting each story... he is not Rod Serling, and I am sure that is an issue with some of those negative reviewers.

    It seems they watch everything with a conservative outlook with any topic in their lives and social norms have advanced since the "good old days" since 1959 - 1964 when the original was on T.V. They are more sensitive to anything that gives even a hint of views counter to their own and feel threatened.

    The original will always be outstanding in my opinion, I grew up watching it back in the 70s and I have the whole collection on disk...This adaptation is pretty damn good (oops I swore there) Some of those episodes do point out social issues or an sort of "woke" aspect in a story format that is entertaining and is reflective of todays advancement in society. That is the thing a lot of the negative reviewers do not like.