• Sam Cooke is like a God to me. I believe that he had without question, the most beautiful voice in the history of music. I would say that except for Elvis Presley - he is the greatest singer that has ever walked the face of the earth. All of this is to say - although I would watch anything that had to do with Cooke - in some ways, I found this documentary absolutely disgusting. To me, the people that made this documentary basically exploited Cooke and his music so that they could promote an absolutely ridiculous conspiracy theory about how Cooke may have been assassinated. Although I would consider myself liberal, I can't stand the whole PC/Woke nonsense that has become common amongst the left. And this documentary is a shining example of that kind of ideology. There is literally no evidence whatsoever that supports this idiotic idea that Cooke was assassinated. What the makers of this documentary did is absolutely reprehensible. It reminds me of "psychics"; who tarnish the memories of people's loved ones for their own benefit. All in all - I would say; sure, you could watch this documentary. But just know that there's is going to be a ton that you'll probably be annoyed with.