• Warning: Spoilers
    If you read some reviews, go into it knowing that there won't be many awards. I found myself saying, "...omg..." Particularly with the blond gorilla thing, I couldn't stop laughing.

    The grandkid liked it, esp the teal pumpkins and the music: Also, the fact that there was so MUCH going on, it really was like a 4yo wrote this. "Ooh, and then we can...(fill in the madness)."

    Again, my grandkid thoroughly enjoyed it...probably because there IS no real story. The 11yo came in, asking why I was laughing so hard. I tried to explain (we're over an hour into it) and I nearly forgot that Savva's Mom still might be in that hole. Trapped there by Gangsta Hyenas who needed slaves for the blond gorilla-cerberus and there was just no explaining the rest.

    Now the 11yo is dying to watch this from the beginning. I don't know, just go into knowing that there will be insanity and laughter. I cannot believe some of the reviews, it's a bloody kids' movie...not the next Schindler's List ffs.

    Additionally...the movie is complete nonsense babble. What is it with people these days that they have to politicize or actively seek (make up) something offensive regardless of the material. Gain some perspective, it's a bloody kid movie!!! Good grief.