
  • What you have here is the usual HBO narrative, "our truth", ignoring the lies that are inconvenient. Disinformation through selective "fact checking" and omission, the usual concern over supposed red state untruths, no self awareness, no self examination. The usual clips of Alex Jones are seen and never is it mentioned that after 4 years of Russia conspiracy people like Rachel Maddow admitted that they were also playing a character and should not be held to any truth standard for what they were saying during a lawsuit.

    Talking about pizzagate when the lies started way before, now we are finding out that the Trayvon case was media and justice system hoax, the prosecutor put up woman with a 4th grade reading level to make the false claim that she was Trayvons girlfriend on the phone with him during his last moments, when it was entirely a lie, wrong woman, false witness, and that's just the start of it, but it led to years of protests and burning cities, never mind clock boy.

    This is the usual slanted propaganda, nothing is new nothing is there to be learned. Conspiracy theory? Feminism doesn't pass a fact check, patriarchy theory IS a conspiracy theory, replace men with jews and the game becomes obvious, so obvious that the game is. The "men kampf" browser extension was removed for making the truth too apparent.

    This is establishment propaganda, instead of holding their feet to the fire over obvious frauds like the Covington kids frame up, its the usual "trust the corporate journalist" spiel from corporate HBO. The man who revealed the Covington american indian "vet" was stolen valor and little more than a fridge technician who stayed state side had his youtube channel shut down, these are the inconvenient truths that these people work to keep hidden while they point at "Alex Jones".