
  • This is a Hindi language film written, directed by and starring Manoj Kumar.

    Along with Upkar (1967), another creation of Manoj Kumar, this film is very important considering the phase Bhaarath was in.

    Fresh out of independance, the country had 2 sitting Prime ministers passing away and had fought two wars within the past decade. There was obviously a sense of anxiety leading to brain drain. The intelligent ones invested upon and trained by our institutions were leaving and lending their talents elsewhere. It is in this context that this film plays an important role of infusing pride and self-esteem among the countrymen.

    Even though almost 3 hours long, the film is well written, directed and edited to keep the audience engrossed. Key scenes in the last 45 minutes of the film are memorable and would be etched in the minds of the viewers.

    The message of the film applies even today. It is a message to those youth who still seek to leave the country.. It's a call upon them to think: what are you running after? If external comforts, almost all of it is available even in Bhaarath, your own motherland.

    And at what price: you end up losing the very possibilities and spiritual purpose of being born a human. Material comforts will not give you inner peace. That inner happiness, fulfillment and contentment is only filled in this atmosphere. A civilisation centuries old and made pure by the austerities of our forefathers.