• I have watched TVD and TO like 5 times each.. i am IN LOOOVE with the story, the characters, the depths of everything as i am crazy about the cast! This legacies series have disappointed me and every one i know who were fans of TO and TVD.. I mean come on, we have lost the essence of werewolves, vampires and witches to mythical monsters without a background story! The villains are RIDICULOUS with terrible acting! and seriously.. they put a mascot to play a wolf ? what is this? Red riding hood volume 2 ?

    Hope is the daughter of the greatest character of all three series.. Julie Plec ruined her and her character and this is not the legacy (pun intended) that the previous shows have left behind! Honestly i keep watching this in respect to the originals and the vampire diaries and in hope that the pas 11 years of addiction to these series might be worth continuing.

    What a shame !