
  • Jane Russell, Frank Sinatra, and Groucho Marx!! kind of an odd group, but it's all a bank caper. Mildred and Johnny (Russell and Sinatra) work in the bank, and are thinking of getting married. if only they could afford to get married. Groucho is Emile, the waiter in their favorite diner. he gets all the best lines, as expected. an early film for Russell. Groucho was already sixty, and was already hosting his quiz show You Bet Your Life! (which is hilarious, if you haven't seen it. at one point, Groucho even says "much better than sitting at home, waiting for some quiz show to call you!") Johnny comes into money, but when his bank comes up short, he can't explain where he got HIS money. the story and the special effects as Frank and Groucho "walk downtown" are pretty silly; the backdrop behind them is ridiculously obvious, but it was just a low budget from RKO, so that can be forgiven. A duet by Russell and Sinatra as they sleep on two different sides of a wall. and some naughty, saucy jokes along the way. Even the film title seems to be a reference to.... Jane Russell. and we even watch Johnny, as HE watches Mildred take a shower. but it's all in fun, as the caper unfolds. Directed by Irving Cummings. nominated for Old Arizona. Cummings started acting in 1910, and Double Dynamite was his final film as director. long career! it's pretty good, as long as you're not expecting a shakespeare. it shows on Turner Classics now and then. some big names in a fun one from 1951.