• Warning: Spoilers
    I just finished watching this movie and I was looking forward to find critics tearing it to shreds. Apparently I must have watched a completely different movie because the horror masterpiece that most critics are describing has nothing to do with 'the creep'. This movie has no twists at all, you can tell Josef is not mentally stable from pretty much the very beginning of the film, what's worse, Aaron, the guy hired to record the creep, has no survival instinct he's constantly getting himself into more danger. Instead of running away he stays in the house and looks for Josef. There's a point in the movie where Aaron gets a call from Joseph's sister, the sister asks him repeatedly where he is, yet Aaron apparently has no idea where the house is located even though he drove all the way up there. There's a point later where Aaron hears strange noises coming from outside his house, keep in mind by this point in the movie he knows he's being stalked and followed by Joseph, still he decides to go outside and check on those sounds. It's not something a real human being would have done there's no logic to any of what Aaron does. In a nutshell, this movie is really predictable, it has barely any tension and whatever tension it does have, this immediately lost because of all the cheap jump-scares they put in. I understand that to show that Joseph is quirky you make him jump once or twice in front of the camera, but he does this exact same thing about six times all throughout the movie and each passing time it gets more and more boring and predictable. I don't understand why people think this is some sort of masterpiece but it's just you to spend your time watching something more entertaining like paint drying.