• 15 June 2020
    About a guy who lives with his sister, who is his own worst enemy, and finds himself involved in self inflicted confrontations. Jumping from gig to gig because he keeps finding trouble, his sister is fed up with him.

    I thought this was fun to watch. Not laugh at loud funny but entertaining. The lead character played by Leo Gorcey was getting on my nerves after a while, and I was surprised his sister put up with him for as long as she did. The movie is only an hour long but the events of Leo running into trouble, and his sister telling him off, got repetitive quickly. I wished it was a little longer because him transitioning to his new job as a repo, felt rushed. We only see him repo two people and they both happen in the last 20 minutes. I thought it would be the many funny adventures of being a repo man. Nevertheless it was still a fun watch.