
  • I am not sure why so many people are hating on this game. Sure it does not have the best story of any Halo game, but it is not terrible either. I think people just expect the same thing over and over again. They want another Halo 3, but what game franchise will last if it is simply the same over and over again? The gameplay here is perfect, the mechanics and graphics are amazing, and the multiplayer experience is by far the best I have played in any FPS. People are constantly complaining about microtransactions as well. However, I was able to move up through the ranks pretty easily without spending an extra dime. And if you do not want to unlock anything, just play arena as everyone gets the same gear there. I absolutely loved Halo 5 for its multiplayer experience (especially Warzone) and the campaign was not bad either. Time to stop complaining about a 2015 game being different from a 2007 game and start enjoying the greatest FPS gameplay of all time.