• This show was made after I was older than it's target demographic but I found it pretty fascinating.

    There is something very enticing about the zeitgeist (I think that's the right word) that pervades this show; the romanticism of the education we want to give our child, that hypothetical, photo-that-comes-with-the-frame family life where you enjoy "classical" music (it's all pretty greatest hits) with your little one against the backdrop of the country idyll.

    I didn't watch this avidly, don't think I ever fanboyed out over this, but formulaic storytelling notwithstanding, there was something naively positive about this show. They managed to be conspicuously educational AND pseudo-interactive without being obnoxious about it. Maybe it was the vibrant landscapes (often famous painting) and the presence of the well aged music but this multi-racial band of unsupervised prepubescents was singularly charming once in a while.

    The one with red hair and glasses is the leader! Us with glasses can be cool too!! There's also this weirdly sultry girl who always wears ballet gear (hey, it was a different time...) I sort of love how they unsubtly put polysyllables into their dialogue ("your so courageous!").

    I also can't not respect making sure young people know proper musical nomenclature. Don't waste our time with how to change a tire, I need to know my rallantando from ritardando!

    Easy to make fun of, you could do so much worse.