• Patricia Dainton is married to Tony Wright, a writer.... when he isn't drinking up all the cash. She inherits a house from her late aunt, and loves it; he wants to be in London, especially when a local real estate man offers him an unlikely sum of money for it. She won't sell. She loves the memories, she loves owning something real, she's even fond of the house's resident poltergeist, at which Wright scoffs.He takes up with Sandra Dorne, and eventually the comes to him that if his wife is dead, he can sell the house and take his lover to London. So he tries a couple of ways to kill her.

    Mostly it's a thriller,with Miss Dainton being the lovely, totally unobjectionable sort of blonde which, in my experience, can drive a man mad. Wright is a lazy cad, and Miss Dorne is.... well, she's easy. It's efficiently written and directed; Walter Harvey's shadowy cinematography is a big plus.