• Jaws: The Revenge is a very silly film, the fact that this was meant to bring the jaws saga more down to earth after the average but infinitely superior Jaws 3 is bizzare.

    Surprise surprise Michael Caine makes an appearance here, no idea what convinced him to star in this (money perhaps??!!?) but he seems thoroughly bored. The actual shark model is shockingly bad and the films' plot is stupid, murderous shark stalking them or something I don't even know.

    Acting wise it was pretty poor but I have seen worse, which is saying something. And despite the awful quality a couple of the scenes are fairly well shot and ok the music wasn't that bad but it couldn't have been much worse than the amazing Jaws theme as they basically just copy that with a cheesy 80s spin.

    2/10: I would not suggest this, stop at Jaws 2 or if you're a big fan 3 may be worth a watch. But not this, never this