• The purpose of a movie is to tell a story. Stories are either be predictable or unpredictable. Director Sung-hyun Yoon takes his highly predictable "Time to Hunt" to new heights with his über cool filmmaking style.

    The story is set in an Dystopian future where there is no scope for any development, especially for the underprivileged. The emptiness in the city streets and buildings depicts a true sense of the utter helplessness faced by the three protagonists Jun seok, Jang Ho and Ki Hoon. As the 3 friends led by Jun Seok take matters into their own hands and plan a heist at an illegal casino run by gangsters. The sequence of events following the heist forms the rest of the story, which is filled with high octane firefights and bursts of heart pounding suspense. Though the screenplay is predictable at some places, surprises are aplenty and are well placed.

    Exceptional cinematography rules the roost throughout the movie with tons of third person perspective angles giving a video game feel in the action scenes. Dark tone given to the dystopian sets gives an eerie feel. Production design and VFX is good for the low budgeted film. EDM inspired Background Score is both Stunning and outstanding. Acting in general is good. The problem with "Time to Hunt" is its runtime, which make it, a tad boringly lengthy in the middle and an average slow paced screenplay, when one considers the length of the movie. But luckily after every dull scene a good gripping action sequence lifts up the mood to keeping things interesting.

    "Time to Hunt" is a must watch for action movie buffs, who will be definitely rewarded for their patience. The movie has some flair and is a great example for friendship & camaraderie. "Time to hunt" can be considered very good when compared to a string of low IQ slam bang action movies in the recent times.