
  • Greetings from Lithuania.

    I just came back from a premiere of "Tenet" (2020), a hugely anticipated new movie by Mr. Christopher Nolan - my favorite director. I'm a huge Nolan's fan, saw all his movie in a theater and they all left me speechless and i even consider "Interstellar" as my favorite film of this millennium - i'm a real Nolan's fan boy.

    And with my broken heart i can only say after seeing "Tenet" that it was a first real disappointment by this brilliant director. This time Mr. Nolan has outdone himself, and not in a good way. Story and plot were a mess. Its not "Inception" by any means - that movie had a very simple idea and plot which was put into this intriguing world and concept - it wasn't difficult to follow because you always knew exactly what was the goal, who is who and etc. "Tenet" does not had any of that. While i enjoyed the plot for a around first 40% of its run time, later its just become so convoluted that farther it went the more i was scratching my head and eventually started to rolling my eyes when Robert Pattinson's and John David Washington's characters were describing the plot to each other, jumping for and between, reading between the lines and etc - it was simply way to complicated and eventually convoluted. By the end of this movie i really didn't care what was going on nor did i tried to understand - the movie's plot and storytelling lost me completely. Its not Nolan "the director" who wasn't good here, but its Noland "the screenwriter" who i think overdone himself this time, and not in a good way. The good things in this movie were for me performance by Kenneth Branagh who was excellent villain, cinematography and basically all the production values in this movie - they are first rate. Unfortunately plot and storytelling were below average - they just didn't for me at all.

    Overall, unfortunately the year 2020 was a terrible year not only because of the virus, but also it was a year when we got a first flop from Mr. Nolan. Its not that its a bad movie, like i said production values are first rate but other then that you will be scratching your head in disbelieve of how convoluted and cold this movie is. For his next feature Mr. Nolan should slow it down with plot and maybe take his brother as writer to help - together they can put plots and screenplays like no other. "Tenet" unfortunately is not the case.