• A great little British film, with a few twists thrown though out it. Though Maisie Williams is billed as the star of the film, it should be Sylvester McCoy who stole the show as the doctor/owner of this big house (though I misread the opening titles as Sylvester Stallone (which would of been a whole other movie). Rita Tushingham also plays the doctors wife well here as well. I spent the film swapping sides with who I wanted to get revenge/win, although there were many times a character did something forehead slappingly stupid that annoys me like it does in many a film. Gaz is also played particularly well also for his over-nastiness from his violence to the disregard he has to property, Mary was okay in it, and the other 2 guys were just sort of there to annoy me. Give the film a try, it's not the best film out there, but it's certainly not the worst either. No spoilers, but I'd of preferred if they cut the last 5 minutes from the film, it wasn't really needed, I'd of rather be left in limbo not knowing if there was an escape or not.