• Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) is now running the store in Perfection. US Treasury Special Agent Dalkwed has come to seize his property for overdue taxes. His son Travis B. Welker (Jamie Kennedy) is also back. An international team finds a Graboid in the Canadian arctic. They are being attacked and they call up Burt. It's Val McKee's daughter, Valerie McKee.

    Global warming ruined this and the Midichlorians don't help. Burt is back and he is forced to keep his new sidekick Jamie Kennedy. I still don't see any point to Kennedy. He doesn't add any comedy and that's what one expects from him. He's a real dud. This starts with a new location with the snowy north but soon it's just another dirt floor situation. I guess all the snow melted from the time they called and the time Burt arrives. It's all the same and not that good. The Graboid bug leads to something gross and not that fun. It's a TV B-movie. I guess the franchise is comfortably at home.