• Warning: Spoilers
    HOBBS & SHAW is the first spin-off from the FAST & FURIOUS franchise not to feature Vin Diesel, but it turns out you don't miss him at all. This is because the entire film consists of Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham engaging in verbal sparring and constant insults, some of which are pretty stupid, but many of which are witty. They certain sound good in the mouths of these two enthusiastic actors and they have a real camaraderie missing in many modern buddy-buddy comedies. Aside from these guys, you get a typically bombastic and unrealistic plotline involving Idris Elba's generic supervillain, a lot of globetrotting, and typically CGI enhanced vehicle chases. It's not remotely believable, but that doesn't really matter as this is all about OTT mayhem and humorous lines in between. Plenty of fight scenes add to the fun, although it's a shame about some of the performances, but generally this works.