• 31 October 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Russell Tovey's portrayal of Nathan has to be the starting point for any review of this drama. There is absolutely NOTHING appealing about Nathan, he is listless and vacuous, and can barely string an audible sentence together.

    I am not sure why Bertie Carvel had to put on such a ridiculously affected accent either. It seemed to detract from his performance rather than enhance it.

    There are a lot of improbables in the plot too, such as it taking several days for Nathan to work out that Bob had also intended to kill him on that fateful night, and that such a morbidly dull Nathan could arrive in the life of a lucid Holly Fox's life and be the ray of light that saves her from the depths of her despair.

    The ending is predictably open-ended with Bob lying in a coma, hoping that someone might be stupid enough to commission a second series.