• Even the premise is enough to make anybody wanting to see it, even more so if one is a fan of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' (counting me as one) and if you like the sports-oriented episodes of the show. For me, the sports-oriented episodes were a bit of a mix and it was dependent on which character(s) it was centered around. Have said in other reviews about finding Spike an inconsistent character and have not cared for some of his episodes to put it lightly.

    That was not the case for "Equestria Games". To me, it is towards being one of the better Season 4, a solid season on the whole with only four or so disappointments, episodes. As far as the sports-oriented 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' episodes go, it's one of the better ones in my view. And it is easily one of the best Spike-centric episodes (the second best one up to this point of the show after "Secret of My Excess", being one of only two up to this point of the show that were good), being the first one in a while and perhaps properly ever to have him as both a properly interesting character and a likeable and rootable one.

    Very little wrong here, though Spike's stage fright does come out of left field somewhat.

    Some of the characters also felt underused, what was the point of having Celestia and Luna in the episode when you are going to give them nothing to do.

    On the other hand, "Equestria Games" has many great things as well. It is one of the best looking episodes of the season and one of the best looking sports-oriented episodes. The surroundings of the Games look amazing. The music is quirky and dynamic with some nice atmosphere too. The voice acting is great all round, Cathy Weseluk was not this good in the previous episodes. She gave Spike's conflicts a lot of emotive heart and it was quite touching. The episode does a great job capturing the excitement and danger of the activity.

    Furthermore, the writing is a perfect mix of comedy and drama. There are many jokes and luckily all of them hit, the best ones being hilarious (my favourites being Spike thinking that he can light fire with his mind and Pinkie Pie's medal counting hysteria) and none of them grated, got repetitive or got silly. The drama is even better, it warms the heart and tugs at the heart-strings while not being cloying and Spike's was seldom in this relatable a scenario before or since "Equestria Games". Instead of being flat or his flaws exaggerated, Spike is true to character and as said this is the first time where he strikes me as both rootable and interesting, especially in his more awkward moments. Pinkie Pie and Twilight are also great, the former being very funny, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are very cute, it has been great seeing Sweetie Belle more interesting this season. Mrs Harshwinny is a sheer delight. Love the positivity of the moral and how easy it is to get behind it.

    Concluding, very good. 8/10