• Billy Wilder my candidate for Hollywood's greatest Director: Dpouble Indemnity, Sunset Blvd,, The Apartment and most notably Some Like It Hot made this film at MGM. Billy Wilder cast his favorite actors Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau with a small part for one of my all time favorite leading ladies Paula Prentiss.

    Paula Prentiss had a 7 year contract with MGM and left after 5 years: Paula made those great comedies with Jim Hutton at MGM but then made all her big b Hedda wrote: "Why Can't Paula Get a Job At Her Own Studio?" Paula asked for her release and MGM agreed with a 3 picture deal. "Buddy Budd"y is one of those contracted firms. PS I remember reading that MGM was searching for a film for Prentiss and its No. 1 Contract Star Richard Chamberlain. It would have done both stars good!

    I have researched Lemmon, Matthau, Wilder and none have been quoted on working with Ms. Prentiss. Nor are there any quotes from Paula on working with the great Wilder and the two Oscar winning actors Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon.

    This movie is disappointing there is no zing no flash and it is difficult to understand how great talents like Wilder Lemmon Matthau and beautiful Prentiss could have failed so obviously.

    The Movie was a flop, a big flop for MGM.