• Despite "The Willoughbys" being a CGI picture starring kids, do NOT go on the assumption that it's a great family picture. Now I am not saying it's bad...but I would never show this to younger viewers. Perhaps older kids and teens would enjoy it, but the film is simply too dark and traumatic for younger viewers. After all, the main themes of the film are the most neglectful, hateful and indifferent parents you could imagine, death and evil social workers!

    When the story begins, you learn that Mr. Willoughby and Mrs. Willoughby are madly in love with each other. However, they are completely cold, hateful and indifferent towards their four kids. And, if they could just give them away or toss them into a compost bin, they would! It's so bad that the kids come up with a plan to orphan themselves. To do this, they send their parents on a trip around the world and they plan to just raise themselves. What's next? See the film....but it won't be all that pleasant.

    While I kind of enjoyed this movie, it certainly was dark....the black hole of family entertainment! It's so dark that it seems like an even darker story than a Roald Dahl novel....it's THAT dark. As for the film quality, the CGI is decent though the frame rate seemed a bit slow. Worth seeing but dark, dark, dark.