
  • Notable as being the first major feature utilizing Independent Frame, sold to Rank as a revolutionary technique to reduce both budget and filming time. One aspect included pre-shooting of location scenes using stand-ins, with the stars performing against these filmed backdrops. The system's main originator, veteran art director David Rawnsley, was on set in an advisory capacity while another pioneer, Donald Wilson, became one of Rank's several one-time-only directors of the period. Even J. Arthur himself made a rare visit to one of his sets to see the promising new set-up for himself.

    However, for all the excitement, the actual result was a rather long-winded romantic comedy, with French actress Anne Vernon as man-mad ex-convert girl, Renee. Despite her abundance of charm, a character so pleased with herself is not altogether endearing and my favourite part was when she was taught a drastic lesson by Sonia Holm's Maria. Holm, an attractive and intelligent-looking actress had a surprisingly brief career, and like star Harold Warrender did not live long past fifty. It all finally fails to fulfil the early promise where Ellen Pollock, reputedly G. B.Shaw's favourite actress, is enjoyable as confidante of Renee's mother.