• Dark Angel headlines the fabulous Joanne Froggatt (Anna Bates in Downton Abbey) in a true story of Victorian poisoner Mary Ann Cotton, in a two-part drama beginning at Durham jail in March 1873.

    British nurse and housekeeper who was believed to be Britain's most prolific female serial killer. They say poison is a woman's choice of murder weapon. Mary Ann Cotton is a major reason why. Criminologists and historians estimate she killed thirteen to twenty-one people with her little tea pot.

    Joanne Froggatt is quietly ferocious playing against type as the sociopath Cotton. She is totally sinister, yet charming, approachable, promiscuous, stoic, no regard to consequence, manipulative, and completely narcissistic. She also projects the fear and vulnerability of a (periodically) single woman in a highly class-conscious society. It's a must-watch for Ms Froggatt, who acts her heart out at every turn. She's an amazing actress.

    Outstanding period settings; great scenery and atmosphere. The period costumes were superb. I found it an overall interesting, an engaging approach of a macabre true story. Recommended for fans of British costume dramas and compelling crime shows.