• Of the first half of the Season 6s of the original 'Law and Order', 'Special Victims Unit' and 'Criminal Intent', 'Criminal Intent's' (the show was also beginning to become very uneven) was easily the worst in my view. The best being 'Special Victims Unit's', where all the episodes were very good and more. 'Law and Order's' was high quality too, but felt less settled with a major character change. 'Criminal Intent's' though was very inconsistent, especially Logan and Wheeler's outings.

    "Albatross" is another very good episode with a lot of great things. As well as a couple of not so minor debits. When ranking Season 6's episodes, "Albatross" compares favourably and is somewhere around high middle but not quite one of the best. Really did admire at how, on top of having a case that was generally not as over-obvious as it sounds up to a point, it portrayed something that is still unfortunately true to life today (but worse), without sugar-coating, and it was interesting to see what the attitudes towards it were like.

    It is shot with the right amount of intimacy without being claustrophobic and that the editing has become increasingly tighter over-time has been great too. Nice use of locations too. The music doesn't get over-scored or overwrought, even in the more dramatic revelation moments. The direction doesn't try to do too much and is understated but never flat or unsure. The acting once again is great, nothing bad can be said of the regulars but this is a case of the supporting cast making even more of an impression.

    Donna Murphy and Xander Berkeley are indeed outstanding in their strongly written and increasingly fascinating roles, Berkeley's role is slightly richer but Murphy's alluring yet calculating presence dominates. The script is intelligent and always intriguing and while there is a lot of talk it doesn't feel long winded. The case is well paced and keeps one on their toes and guessing, despite the outcome not being a surprise. Really liked seeing a different side to Goren and Eames' relationship with more tension to usual, as well as the scene in the bar. Not to mention the media portrayal (just as vicious as it is not) and seeing how people fall for it so easily which is actually quite scary.

    By all means, "Albatross" is not perfect. Once again the ending is rushed and is how Goren's observations are treated (too throwaway here), with the identity of the murderer being obvious far too early. Actually knew the whole truth a quarter of an hour in.

    Concluding, very good on the whole despite the obviousness. 8/10