
  • I stuck with this indie-style film though I did not find it compelling. Nevertheless there are good performances and a certain poignancy to these badly malformed, defective and very human characters. Although the plot is fairly linear as Hazel encounters one freak after another, there's a sense of incongruity, or at least I kept feeling it. I was expecting somehow a more tidy or at least dramatic resolution of the several subplots and characters but then again the entry and exit of these characters to the main story really doesn't seem to rise to the level of subplot. But the weirdness kept me in it. And as a consequence of watching this I am now interested in reading O'Connor's catalogue, so the time invested should pay dividends.

    The plot summaries and reviews note that Huston has a recurring cameo in flashbacks as Hazel's preacher grandfather, but I believe I also saw him Hitchcock-style as a passenger on Hazel's train ride early in the film.