• 'The Body (2012)' is an atmospheric thriller about a body that goes missing from the morgue and the consequences this has both on a detective assigned to the case and on the husband of the alive-as-of-this-afternoon cadaver. It tries to keep its audience guessing but, despite a few genuine twists and turns, it's actually quite straightforward. It doesn't really work as a whodunnit because it purposefully leads its audience down a specific path so that it can subvert their expectation, not so much leaving things open as narrowing them down. Basically, it's trying to leave its audience floored by its final exposition dump, rather than saying "I knew it!". Of course, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It peppers in just enough information for its final reveal to more-or-less make perfect sense while still being just out of reach for most viewers. Even though it all builds to its last revelation, it still feels like a worthwhile in-the-moment experience. It's quite compelling and, as I said earlier, atmospheric. It's also just enjoyable in an almost pulpy sort of way. It's a rock-solid thriller that does exactly what it sets out to. 7/10