• While there were not that many filmed Philo Vance mysteries, THE GARDEN MURDER CASE is a standout in the series and, perhaps, a close second to the KENNEL MURDER CASE starring William Powell.

    This is an elaborate murder mystery with dapper Edmond Lowe doing the honors as the master detective. The only debit; Lowe did not continue the series, which needed a debonair gent, and he definitely fit the bill. Beautiful Virginia Bruce plays the lady in distress, naturally suspected of murder and the object of Lowe's affection. They make a superior couple, too. This screenplay is extremely clever, dealing with hypnotism, and is similar to THE WOMAN IN GREEN, a Sherlock Holmes entry, starring Basil Rathbone (and yes, he too played Philo Vance!). Makes us armchair detectives wonder if the writers at Universal may have "borrowed" a few ideas from this screenplay to keep their famous detective in business?

    Another interesting footnote, Nat Pendleton was cast as the long arm of the law, quite the same type of role he played in the original THIN MAN. Those casting directors were a smart bunch.

    Whatever the case, this terrific whodunit will keep your attention through and through, campy at times, and guessing the murderer is worth the wait.

    Virginia Bruce would next co-star in THE GREAT ZIEGFELD.

    Always on dvd and thanks to TCM for running this golden oldie.