
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Warning: this documentary is not suited for the fainthearted. I wish I hadnt seen some of the scenes at the end, when they showed the burned corpses of the parents and children who were burned alive, while they were under siege by tanks outside.

    This documentary shows without a doubt that when you answer any problem, ANY problem with government sanctioned violence, it will eventually breed more violence and manslaughter. If all you have is a hammer, one will try to "solve" any problem by using that hammer.

    In this particular case of utmost stupidity the government forces decided to "poke holes" into the building with scared parents and children inside and subsequently launched gasbombs inside, with no escape routes for the people inside. By accident, or by will, (who knows) a fire started and because of the many holes that were poked by tanks into the building the flames spread like wildfire, burning innocent parents and children alive.

    This documentary is one of the most horrifying I have ever seen. In Michael Moore's documentary "Bowling for Columbine" the brother of the Oklahoma bomber said that the reason for the Oklahoma bomb attack (which killed hundreds of people) was the government attack on the people of Waco.

    The story: A religious sect in Waco is suspected of being armed and dangerous. Instead of negotiating and minimizing possible violence, the government decides to use brute force against a group of families that poses no threat towards an outside army of tanks...