• 'I don't think this is aimed at us', said the missus when we saw this. But who is it aimed at? Oldies (which in this case, you would hope, means anyone over 30) won't give a monkey's about this online wannabe world, so ridiculous that it is really beyond satire. And youngies (I fear) will be saying, 'Yes? And?' - they won't see anything strange or funny about it. So both sides are likely to take it more as documentary than spoof.

    Tbh (see? I can use trendy abbreviations) the lead himself seems already too old to be plittering about with this nonsense.

    PS There ought to be a word for the type of show starring someone called Liam, but 'created' by someone called Olly(!). 'Chavface'? It's appropriation if you ask me...