• Warning: Spoilers
    The title of this movie makes little sense, since most of the actors are white. The relationship between Brenda Sykes and John Nielsen has no "build-up." They meet each other, about a minute or so into the movie and just start hanging out together. There is practically no depiction of how their respective families react to their interracial romance. Wouldn't that have to be an obvious factor in a story of interracial love? Brenda Sykes' character comes from an affluent family. Why would she need, or even want, to deal drugs? John Nielsen's character has no character. He's just exceedingly stupid. There is no detectable chemistry between these two characters (and this has nothing to do with the racial difference). The movie picks up a little steam towards the end, but then fizzles out. The movie ends with no resolution to anything. You get the feeling that something more was supposed to happen, but they just gave up on it. William Marshall (as Sykes' father) is totally wasted here. Marion Ross (as Nielsen's mother) is completely out of her element here. Ultimately, a pretty dumb movie.