• I stumbled onto this series today, and have watched episodes 1 and 3 (2 sounded boring) and I'm done. This is one of the worst adaptations of a film to series I've ever seen, and it is mind boggling Richard Curtis had anything to do with it.

    There's a reason the film is so loved; it has heart, charm, wit, laughter and tragedy, all mixed together in an artful way. It has Hugh Grant, Charles, stammeringly expressing his love for Carrie, Andie McDowell (who makes a ghastly appearance here), via the words of a song David Cassidy was famous for. It has great writing. This series has characters so arch, paper-thin and dishwater-dull I nearly wept, I'm not kidding.

    Mindy Kaling has a product, and it's ridiculous, vapid, BS like this, with no idea how to keep the tone of the film and update it to 2019. I'm staggeringly insulted by this dog and pony show trading on the title of the film to sell it.

    2 stars for some nice scenery of London.