• I saw nothing wrong with the original. Candace Cameron and Fred Savage were believable on screen as was the movie. This version plods along with a few oddly placed "blips" which are, (as my teens would say), cringey to watch.

    As for the context, physical and mental abuse and the lengths that the abusers will go to ensure the victims suffering is beyond my.... I don't think about it because I can't. Because I get this grandiose prayer to help the world, (no matter how I think I could. Or to at least try to which is I know silly to some but I wish there wasn't news stories or movies like this one.) But there is and I can at least be a voice for those who no longer have one, I can try my hardest to write\talk about all I am able to and to hopefully let others know that it's not helpful to look the other way. As the title suggests. *Sorry about the rambling but it's a huge issue that all need to acknowledge it as such. Even through movies like this one.*