
  • I loved this and I hope it goes on a while. No bad language, no sexually explicit scenes, it's funny yet has real bad guy/gals. I did not get bored. But, then, I don't need explosions, car chases, CGI or blood and gore. This series is worth a watch. Sit back and enjoy.

    Just sat through season 2. I don't write a lot of reviews anymore because there are so many AWFUL shows these days. So, I see I've already written one (badly at that). I'm getting old and my neurons are dropping instead of popping.

    This series deserves another attempted review by me - but keep in mind I'm left handed, born on leap year, old and red headed.

    I don't care to go on about all things that makes a program technically awards worthy. I want to be entertained and this one improved even more in the second go-round. There is drama, tension, humor (giggle worthy), some romance, surprises, etc. Are there plot-holes? Of course, as there are in 99% of all programming (even the news)! Wow, I guess that makes it true to life?

    I like all kinds of genres (except horror and porn), so I'm fairly open-minded as to what I will watch while having no patience for that which wastes my time because I'm old. This series is absolutely delightful with actors, writers and directors that excel.